Tuesday, March 31, 2009

unknown caller

My life is honestly, very good but I have a few annoyances just like everyone else. I don't like my job and I wish I had more money are on the top of my list, but I'm sure I could find a lot of other people who feel the same way. I have a fantastic husband, really probably a 9 out of 10 ( he really only gets points off for being a loud chewer, a loud sneezer, an occasional snorer and sometimes he gets mad at inanimate objects, but really total winner on ALL other aspects). I also have a very cute and very smart kid which I am totally grateful for. I guess I think because I have these two things I really shouldn't complain, but I'm going to anyway.

My other main annoyance in my life is my parents. I mean what the hell? What did I do to deserve these idiots? My recent annoyance is that I am getting calls EVERYDAY from bill collectors for MY DAD. This might be a sad story if it wasn't for the fact my dad has plenty of money to pay his bills, he is just too lazy and unorganized to do so. I haven't talked to my dad in weeks...maybe a month or two, because now that I have a kid I am too lame to bother talking to. He likes to drink beer, talk about himself, and ride motorcycles and if you don't want to do these things he has no interest in you, this includes his children.

I have not even told my father that we rented a house in Alabama, because I'm fairly certain he won't really care. I called my mother last weekend to tell her about the house and she answered the phone and immediately started talking about herself and the weather (her two favorite topics) and then said she had to go. What the fucking fuck, I hadn't even talked yet. I don't know anyone else that I could call who would not even bother to ask "oh yeah, you called me, did you want to tell me something?" I am very happy that she isn't drinking RIGHT NOW but really that is about it, it is sad when the best thing you can think of to say about your mom is "well, she isn't drunk this second" (but again I am grateful for that tiny thing).

I am sometimes convinced that the reason I lucked out with a really fantastic husband is because the universe felt sorry for me because of the parents I have. I know it could be worse, really I get that, I see it everyday, but I also know it could be better if those bastards would put any effort into giving a shit about their children, but who can be bothered when there are awesome things like weather and motorcycles to talk about.

I have some other totally unrelated things to talk about:
1. Have you heard that new song If U seek Amy by Britney Spears? I know people are very busy being offended and horrified by it, but honestly I could not care less AND I actually like the song.
2. I have a GYN appointment tomorrow. Do you guys shave your legs for your GYN doctor? I always do, and then wondered if this was weird. (Did we talk about this already?)
3. I only lost .5 pounds last week...there might have been pouting that included giant burritos (but in my defensive they were only beans and rice and who the fuck knew that would be 1000 calories?) and baked goods....


Hotch Potchery said...

I made Dad buy me the Britney Spears CD for Christmas, and I listened to that song while running yesterday, and I can't figure out what I am missing. What is wrong with it?

Yes, shave for the gyno. Legs.

When did you get a Chipotle? I don't really dig those...but Mr. P...LOVES a giant burrito.

PS Ditto on the parents thing. Mine suck almost as bad as yours, but since my kids are older, my Dad talks to me every twoish weeks.

OH, did you ever get your Christmas $?

Penny said...

If you listen to the song she says "all the girls and all the boys are begging to if you seek amy" If you REALLY listen it kinda sounds like she is saying ...are begging to F-U-C-K me...Now we have to worry about our children becoming whores and crack heads because they heard that.

No, I never got my Christmas money, I knew I wouldn't...

creative kerfuffle said...

i think my parents were separated at birth from your parents. my mom? not 10 mins after i told her my brother-in-law died? she emailed her entire family about it. extended family. family that hardly knows my husband let alone his brother. why? because i think she has some form of munchausen that means you get a secret pleasure out of being the bearer of bad news.
and my dad only calls if he is drunk and/or on the way to being drunk.
and--i shave my legs for the gyn. and fold my clothes and hide my bra and panties from the doc.

Not Your Aunt B said...

Shave. And fold clothes with the bra/panties hidden too.
Sorry about your folks. If I had Eli as a grandson, I would be calling you all the time just to talk about how smart and cute he is. And I would only be drunk occasionally.
Now I must go listen to the song because I didn't hear anything wrong with it either.

Hotch Potchery said...

Damn now that is all I will hear. Is it bad that it mades me like the song more?

Well, next year you will get to go shopping. Aren't you excited?

DAVs said...

Wait...did you try Chipolte? Delish, no?

I'm sorry about your parents. Mine drive me crazy for lots of reasons, but overall they're good people.

I agree with Bea, if Eli were in my family I'd be bugging you all the time to know about him, talk to him, etc.

Are you coming to the Stinkfest??

Penny said...

Ashley, yes i went to Chipotle for the first time and loved it so much I went back a couple days later. mmm but then I went on their website and I almost died right then when I saw the calories...

I don't know about Stinkfest yet, I probably won't decide until that day depending on how Eli is acting....

Is Mr. Leebot playing?

DAVs said...

Mmmm, Chipotle. We call it Chippys. Now I must go look at the calories counts myself.

I'm back. Uh-oh. Our vegetarians are pretty calorific.

Mr. Leebot had to submit an application to play--they only have one slot so we're just crossing our fingers! I'm supposed to attend Stinkfest myself, you know, as Mrs. Leebot the Manager, but it would be fun to get lunch or something!

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