Monday, March 16, 2009

knit one, purl two

Hobbies: I started my knitting lessons at the beginning of the month. It is harder than I thought it would be. I still really want to learn because I'm not really an artistic/creative person and I thought that learning to knit would be my thing. I am always so jealous that Teddy can play the guitar (actually most instruments), write songs, write online for actual money, and he is a good artist and I wanted to have something that was my creative thing too. I could make sweaters for my kid and hats for my friends etc. The thing is because I'm not automatically good at it I don't really want to do it. I am really going to have to make myself practice.

TV: I keep forgetting to tell you guys that I am probably on an episode of Celebrity Apprentice. I don't actually watch the show though so I'm not sure if I've been on or not. Last October when Warren and I were walking around the city we sort of walked through some sort of interview thing with Dennis Rodman. I was curious at the time what it was for because I hadn't seen that dude in a while, but when the previews for Celebrity Apprentice came on I realized we had walked through a taping of that show. (I was on the phone with my sister at the time, so she was on too)

Weight Loss: I lost a pound last week, which I am very happy about. I have also been trying to work up to jogging for 30 minutes a day. It seems easy, but damn it has been hard. The best I have done so far is 26 minutes of jogging and on an average day I do about 18 minutes. I bought a pedometer yesterday to see how far I was going and it took me 17 minutes to jog 1.2 miles. Huh, that is pretty sad...I am obviously SLOOOOOOWWW.

OK I'm going to say this ONE MORE TIME and I know you guys are getting sick of it, but I think I need to lose another 20 pounds. I am now 10 lbs away from my "goal" weight and I just don't think it will be enough. There are still rolls on my stomach, flab on my thighs, and too much jiggle on my arms. Again, this makes me so self conscious because dudes I have lost 40 lbs, and still need to lose another 20 to be fit and trim. I STARTED THIS WEIGHT LOSS THINKING I WOULD BE FIT AND TRIM AFTER LOSING ONLY 20 POUNDS. The amount of denial I was in is shocking!

Job Search: I have started looking for and applying to jobs in Alabama. It is a nerve racking process, but I am feeling better about this search than I ever have in the past. I know times are tough and that will make things much harder, but at least this time I have some experience on my side. I am also feeling more confident about being in better shape and I can go to an interview without being so self conscious about my weight.

Eli: Teddy and I had started noticing that Eli was bunching up his blanket to use as a pillow at night. We were making a trip to Target on Sunday so we told him he could pick out his very own pillow for his bed. He was REALLY excited and we spent a long time looking at ALL the pillows Target had to offer, from giant Batman pillows, to Hello Kitty pillows (my favorite), to accent pillows for sofas. I was hoping to spend only 5-10$ but Eli picked this one and could not be talked out of it, I had promised he could pick whatever he wanted so in the end I agreed, even though it was a 20$ accent pillow. Doesn't it just scream 2.5 year old little boy?


Hotch Potchery said...

I have been watching Celebrity Apprentice, but damn it not carefully enough. I will start paying better attention.

You have wanted to knit for so long, don't quit yet. I want to learn, and then after we run 5K's holding hands, we can come home and eat hummus and knit fabulous scarves to wear the 8 days it is cold here.

Umm. I have lost 25 pounds and still need to lose 100 or more, so your puny 20 pounds can kiss my ass. (But I know how you feel, and my guess is that you are going to have to figure out a way to tone more to get what you want...probably really not fat.)

It is weird that you say that about job searches...I thought of that this morning...well at least next year if I have to find a job I won't be fat.

That is an awesome pillow. I like it. Maybe he will want to join his cousin in musical theater, no?

That was a long comment.

DAVs said...

I love that pillow!

And hooray for all that weight loss. And running. Did I mention I have given up running? But then I read about other runners and I sorta miss it. I'm all about ellipticallying in my bedroom while watching thirtysomething dvds. I realize that sounds lame.

Not Your Aunt B said...

I think everyone must underestimate how much weight they need to lose or what aging does to your body because, hello, I am at my pre-baby weight and hello, still have a jello belly, jiggly arms, muffin top sides (and back! WTF?), and ham hocks for inner thighs. And I am running and not losing any weight (for the past 3 months). My legs look better but that only accentuates my belly hanging over them. Sigh.

Love the pillow! you make me want to learn to knit so I can be all creative too.