Monday, March 2, 2009


If you could hear my thoughts it would go a little something like this:moving,moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, hungry, moving moving, moving, moving, moving...You get the point.

Anytime something significant is happening in my life, I totally and completely obsess over it. I spend free time looking online for houses to rent and jobs to apply for. I daydream about decorating and painting my non-existent house, I imagine my new non existent job, I try to decide what preschool situation will be best for Eli...I think about where I will want to eat on my nights out and what grocery store I'll shop in, and I worry about whether they'll carry the hummus I like or the organic hot dogs I eat...

My point is I am having a hard time with blogging, and really interacting with people at all because all I can think about is OHMYGODIMMOVINGBACKTOALABAMAINFIVEMONTHS. I can't discuss the move with work friends because I haven't told work yet and I can't talk about it on facebook because I'm "friends" with some of my co workers. I feel like I'm going to burst with anxiety and secret keeping.

I am hoping I can quit obsessing about this long enough to go back to talking about my regular dumb shit like what bathing suit I'm going to buy and who likes hot dogs with out a bun, not me that's who.

P.S. I did manage to lose 2 lbs this week which I was super happy about because I've lost almost nothing for the last several weeks.
P.P.S. Holy Snowing. I really thought we were done with the whole snowing thing but we are getting like 12 inches today, which then reminded me of that album 12 inches of snow, does anyone else remember that?
P.P.P.S. I love making up new words and last night I thought it would be funny if twin midgets (I know we are supposed to call them little people) were called twidgets...well guess what, someone already came up with that and there is a definition on Urban Dictionary. Crap. I also thought I invented the term JewFro, later to find out I had not.


creative kerfuffle said...

i'm sorry you're obsessing. big hugs! and twidgets it totally funny! lol. i had heard of jewfro though.

Not Your Aunt B said...

I hadn't heard of either word so I will credit you. And yes, you have to have buns with your hotdog!

DAVs said...

I'm jealous of the snow! I know, a foot of snow is probably way more than what is fun...but it will be 80 here tomorrow so...sigh.

And congrats on two more pounds--I told you a bunch would just fall off all at once (smiling smugly/proudly).

And I totally get the obsessive thoughts. Since we don't have a plan right now for anything regarding kids, it's practically ALL I think about. Constantly. And it's very tiring. So I feel your pain. And really, I should be studying for the lipid boards. Yes, I said lipid boards. What a nerd I am.

Hotch Potchery said...

Yay for 2lbs.

What about twittle people? or little tweople? Then it would be politically correct at least.

I do the exact opposite. When I have a huge change coming, I IGNORE IT at all costs and watch tv and sleep. At some point I will tell Mr. P to find us a house, and then we will move.