Wednesday, February 25, 2009

stuff and things

Remember that time a couple of weeks ago when I was all happy and zen? Well that is WAY over. I have been trying to sit down and write an actual blog post but I am so overwhelmed by EVERYTHING I don't know where to start and then even my blog overwhelms me. I wanted to write a nice post about my weekend with my sister and how it made me look forward to spending more time with family ( family), I wanted to write about how lame we are and how we sit next to each other and look on our computers and think this is FUN. BUT every time I try I have a jumble of stuff going on in my head and I can't get a whole post out, it is just bits of information so that is what I have to offer now.
I am starting to FREAK OUT about our move...Did you know Alabama is FAR from here, and it is hot there and I will have to have all my shit taken from here to there. I will have to get a job and drive a car and things will be different, and hot, and not the same. and hot. I am already trying to figure out where to live and look at houses over the internets because oh my hell I need a house this second or I will be homeless with my baby on the street and it will be hot and where will I put my things? There is like two places in the whole town to work. What if I don't' get a job at one of those places? I'm going to die on the street, oh it is so so sad.
Here is a conversation I had with Teddy last night (in response to the new iBook that Apple has) that *I* thought was amusing:
Penny: I am going to invent a computer and I'm going to say it is the greenest laptop ever made but really it is just going to be colored green and I'm going make a fortune.
Teddy: Your tag line can be don't read the fine print
Penny: Yeah, and you know what my computer is going to be made out of? Baby Seals. Then my tag line will be You don't want to know.
End Conversation
I have hit a plateau in my weight loss. I have been hoovering around the same number for a month now. I am really starting to get frustrated and feel like my body is just really stubbornly holding on to that last twenty pounds. Does anyone have any tips on shaking things up to start losing again?
I thought that knowing I would be getting to quit my job would make things less stressful, and it some ways it has, BUT now when I am doing things and they are stupid and pointless I just keep thinking about how I'm not even going to be here in five months so why am I even doing this stupid pointless stuff to start with? I at least had some motivation in the past which was I want my family to eat food so I will keep doing my stupid job, but now I just think ehhh how much do I REALLY care now if I get fired? The other part is that I have a friend at work and we constantly play the whose job sucks more game, and now I'm always going to lose because once I tell him I'm going to quit he is never going to let me complain anymore because he'll be "oh whatever you are quitting who cares" and then that sucks because I like to complain.
Those are a few of the things that are constantly rumbling around in my head, add some daily annoyances, my regular stress about money and parenting, and my new annoyance about why Teddy's brother won't return our calls and you have my day. (plus of course the times I laugh at my own jokes hysterically, the constant entertainment and joy that Eli brings, and my delightful husband THOSE THINGS TOO)


Hotch Potchery said...

I guess we will have to go live with my kids... So far they are the only ones with a place for next year. Actually homeless is better! Which brother?

DAVs said...

Oh, I'm sorry you're in freaking out mode. I know it can feel overwhelming, but I promise--it will all work out in the end. You won't be homeless--you can always live with HP:)

As far as the weight loss plateau...that sucks. You're working so hard! But I've always heard that after a long plateau you'll have a super big drop all at once, so hopefully that's just around the corner.

And I'm so tempted to watch those Madmen episodes by myself and then just re-watch them with our friends. But alas, I'm too dumb to know how to hook the computer up to the TV...

Not Your Aunt B said...

Stupid blogger. I swear this is the 10th time I am commenting and it still won't take. &^%@!

creative kerfuffle said...

i'm sorry you are stressing, really, it sucks. it doesn't really help to say things will be fine, but i think they will. yeah, it will be hot, but doesn't mr.hp have a boat? : ) i hope you find that zen feeling again soon.