Tuesday, June 30, 2009


As I was running today I was thinking about how I am in the best shape of my life. This both makes me really proud, and also frustrates me. I was thinking about how I spent my twenties drinking too much, smoking too much, and eating too much ( do you sense a bit of an oral fixation?)...although there is not much I would change about things, since ultimately all those things led me to where I am today, but I do wish I would have taken better care of my body.

I was also thinking about how this is the happiest I have ever been. I still have days where I feel depressed, or unbelievably anxious, but overall I feel happy. I have a great husband and a wonderful son. My parents are alive and although they are both alcoholics, one functioning, one in recovery, they are in decent health (presumably, since neither one will get a check-up). I'm really excited about the upcoming move and spending more time with my sister and her family.

I'm in the process of buying my first car. This is really exciting to me even though at my age I'm sure most people have owned their own car before. I am looking forward to a new job, I don't know if I'll get the chance to change careers or if I'll end up doing something similar to what I'm doing now, but I'm excited to find out. I spend most nights watching House Hunters and making fun of what people wear (tiny shirts over inexplicably bigger shirts) and say (man room!), and I'm really happy.

Teddy and I have been talking about how this area can really beat you down. I feel like there is always this competition to do better, and make more, and do more, and be MORE FABULOUS, and it has just been really getting to me. I felt like I could never keep up and that real happiness was just out of my reach, like if I could just make more money, or get a better job, or find a bigger apartment then maybe I would be happy, but I always felt like I was chasing something I just couldn't reach...now I feel like I'm going on a permanent vacation where people are just happy to BE and it isn't always a competition.

I've always been anxious and I go through bouts of depression but I feel better now than I can ever remember and I'm starting to wonder if it is all related to my health (some of you are probably shouting DUH! YOU FUCKING IDIOT!) . I'm hoping to keep up my running schedule and I would still like to lose another ten pounds, but for just today I'm going to be happy.


DAVs said...

You know, lots of studies have shown that regular exercise is as effective as antidepressants for mild depression...and personally I go nutso without regular exercise! So hooray for you!
I'm so excited for your move, for going to a more relaxed pace of life, and just being happy being. Sounds good to me!

Anonymous said...

It is so wonderful to hear how well you are doing! I knew things would work out for you guys! And while Teddy's departure will be a great loss for us (a parent was raving about him in my library yesterday), it is clearly a good move for the three of you.

I've had two dear friends leave NYC. Neither of them regrets it now (on the contrary), even though the initial decision was a tough one to make. I know you will love the improved quality of life!


Penny said...

Rebecca, We will definitely be sad to go, but right now I think it is best for us...I was starting to feel STRESSED all.the.time it was my baseline. I hope you will keep up with us, and we want to know what is going on with you, maybe you should start a blog!

Hotch Potchery said...

I am happy that you are feeling happy, and I would imagine you feeling better about yourself helps you feel better about EVERYTHING.

I started back running on Monday, and after a few days, my mental health is definitely improving: also, being done with stressful work for awhile helps too!

Anonymous said...

Rebecca's right. I don't regret leaving, but there are times I would love to back in NYC. I miss my friends and family more than anything, and the babysitting that comes with local family (something you'll have in a few weeks!). I don't missing having to pay the premium for having everything on my doorstep. I don't miss comparing myself to the beautiful people on the subway. Ok, I should have compared myself to the old ladies from Chinatown, and felt better..... You're going to do great in Alabama.

Penny said...

Chrissy, The beautiful people, how could I have forgotten them...all the women around here seem to be 6 ft. tall and gorgeous and at just barely over 5 ft I feel like a troll...

The babysitting is a HUGE plus!