Tuesday, June 9, 2009


I tend to build up a lot of expectations about things...It isn't that I have great expectations it is just that I have expectations...One of my many, many delightful quirks is that I have these expectations and if they aren't met it can completely ruin my day, or month, or six months.

Yesterday Teddy and I took the day off and spent the day together walking around NYC. I had been thinking about our day and I had decided I wanted to go to a nice cafe, maybe somewhere in the West Village, off the beaten path. I wanted to sit outside, or at least have a nice view of the people walking by, and enjoy a nice salad and maybe a Hoegarden. I knew this kind of place existed because I had the exact one in mind I wanted to go to (except the one I was thinking about was in SOHO, but I just knew I could find something similar in the West Village). We spent a good two hours looking for the exact right place and nothing was good enough. Finally we settled on a restaurant and it was all wrong and it ruined the rest of my day.

Yesterday was a mild example, all it did was ruin the afternoon, which I still realize is ridiculous but there have been other times when I completely lost my shit because things weren't what I expected. When we moved from Alabama to NJ I had never seen the apartment or the area we were moving too. I mistakenly trusted Teddy's brother to find us a place. I had pictured something similar to the area I live now, quaint , with beautiful brownstones, a cute downtown area and lots of parks...what I got was a dump. It was dirty and the buildings were horrible...our apartment was awful and very few people in the area spoke English. I had a panic attack for probably two months. I'm not saying I should have been delighted by my circumstances, but I'm sure I could have handled it better.

I haven't been blogging, or commenting as much lately because I have been in a funk. I'm starting to get very nervous that the move to Alabama won't meet my expectations and I'll sink into my depression/funk/never ending panic attack. I start anticipating the all day nausea, the cold sweats, the insomnia and I start getting depressed and anxious now ABOUT SOMETHING IN THE FUTURE THAT MIGHT NOT HAPPEN (another one of my delightful quirks).

I have continued to exercise and I do find that it helps the anxiety, but I have been constantly craving sugar and sweets. I have given into the temptation more than I should, but finally this last week I lost 1.2 pounds after having stayed the same weight for the last five weeks.

I am just counting down the days until we move, stuck in a weird funk trying to decide if I'm going to be OK or not. I know I'll be OK eventually, I just don't know how long it will take.


DAVs said...

I do the same thing...getting my expectations SO FREAKIN' high and then being mad when things don't line up perfectly. Sigh.

I'm sorry your West Village stroll/lunch wasn't all you had hoped. And I'm sorry about the anxiety. Anxiety sucks. And I'm totally useless with assvice because I have anxiety myself. Over pretty much EVERYTHING.

Congrats on the weight loss. But seriously--you don't need to lose any more weight!

Not Your Aunt B said...

YAY on the weight loss! You have been working your ass off (I see your mini over there!) and it is back on track.

Um, you would suffer from the same thing I suffer from which is from MAGICAL THINKING (I think that is the correct term for it). Coupled with anxiety it leads to disaster. I feel ya. I wish I had an answer but I don't. I am just coming off a funk and am currently in obsession-land as I can't seem to shake some stuff off (I am not a duck it seems).

When do you move? I wish there was some way we could help. Moving with a baby is just so stressful, not to mention the other million things about relocating your life to another state.

creative kerfuffle said...

i wish i had some helpful words or suggestions on how not to freak the hell out, but sadly i don't. but, i'm a good listener and i will try to cheer you up : ) and---yeah for you on the running/weight loss. you're doing great!

Hotch Potchery said...

I have RUINED countless outings, holidays, etc. by my expectations not being met and me pouting. Even perfectly lovely days had I not blown everything WAY out proportion could have been 'perfect'.

The move is going to be hard on you, no doubt...with the HUGE cultural changes, HEAT, everything is so so so different here. But I think you know that...so maybe it will be okay.