Monday, February 8, 2010


Today is the one year anniversary of when I started THIS blog because THAT blog got hijacked by creepy stalker. I love having a blog and I love having my tiny community of friends that come by and cheer me on, or come by and offer support, because to me, that is what it is all about. I read on a friend's blog recently that there has been some competition in the "pain Olympics" and I'm always afraid when I post something that someone is going to come around and tell me to stop my whiny whining because there are hungry kids in Ethiopia or something but you guys never do that and really you are all just lovely and I want to give you a big hug.

Since I've started this blog I've taken up running, Teddy got into the PhD program, we moved, my baby turned three, I was job searching, I got a job and I'm still job searching, my dog died, and I've committed to wearing a bikini for the first time ever! There has been lots of great times, and also lots of challenges, I'm sure life will continue much the same BUT it is nicer knowing you guys will come by and check on us.

In completely unrelated and unabashed parental gloating when I dropped Eli off at daycare this morning his teacher told me that Eli is by far the brightest child in her class. It made me ridiculously proud (although I will admit the other kids are sort of dufusy so I'm not sure this is a HUGE compliment).

I ran a 10K this Saturday (my time was 1:03 so I did not hit my NYR goal, BUT the last MILE was uphill so it was still pretty awesome time) and a 5K on Sunday. I feel awesome and my sister and BIL were right there with me so they are awesome too. We are doing two 5Ks next weekend on the same day! My friend said we need "runners anonymous" but it really is fun!


Meg said...

Happy Blogoversary! I tend to be a lurker, but then I get my feelings hurt when I don't get comments on my (sporadic) blog, so that's just yet another thing that makes me a freak. Congrats on the many runs/races you have completed. I could not run to my mailbox, but I hope to get there.

Not Your Aunt B said...

That is awesome! Really, you & your sister keep me motivated to keep running. Maybe one day I too will join runners anonymous. Probably not anytime soon, but that ROCKS! And the last mile uphill? What torture!

lastchanceivf said...

Your running IS inspirational. When Mr. LC and I are huffing and puffing I always think about you and HP doing RACES and logging super long runs and then I still stop and gasp for air (!).

I still can't believe you had such a creepy lurker on your old blog. That sucketh.

Susans Journey To Stay Fit said...

Happy Blogoversary!
Go Girl Go on your running! You are a inspiration to the rest of us would be runners known as joggers!

Shelley said...

Happy Blogiversary! So glad I found your blog - I've really enjoyed getting to know you and read all about your life and family.

So you ran a 10K on Saturday and a 5K on Sunday? Holy crap! My jaw is hanging down just thinking about that - I cannot imagine doing what you did! And two 5K's next weekend? Very impressive!!! You will be in that bikini with no problem!!

Chrissy said...

Your running is very inspirational! Really awesome!

Hotch Potchery said...

We are very inspirational. I think we should become inspirational jogging speakers and go to various 5K's across the country and charge $30,000 for us to run in their races and provide inspiration.

Anonymous said...

happy blogoversary!!!

sometimes i worry that my blog can be kind of a downer at times or that im being a whiner. but ultimately i dont mind reading about the problems in other peoples lives so i assume that anyone that comes over to my blog is going to feel the same. i think it brings us all closer knowing we all have good and bad in our lives. (does that sound stupid?)

creative kerfuffle said...

happy blogoversary! (belated because i'm a slackass). i love hotch's comment! LOL
yeah for eli being the super brain in the class! : ) i so understand your pride.