Monday, April 20, 2009

side effects

I started a new birth control a couple of weeks ago and I HATE it. I have been feeling depressed, mopey and weepy for almost a week now and I have been bleeding EVERY day since April 7th ( is that too much information? I thought we were girl friends so I thought we could talk about this kind of stuff, maybe I'm wrong). I have absolutely no libido, but even if I did, the non stop bleeding sort of puts a damper on things.

Part of my job is to talk to patients about medication side effects and I know with a lot of medications the side effects can go away after the first month or two, but I just don't know if I can take it that long. Teddy and I still want to revisit the second child issue after we are moved, but right now just isn't a good time for us financially or emotionally. I'm afraid that once I decide it is a "good time" that I'll be too old, but that is a whole other blog post for another day.

I am pleased with myself that I have continued jogging even though I've been feeling crappy and depressed. The jogging actually seems to help with the depression a little. I have been able to jog for about 40 minutes continually. I am really pleased with my body because it has adapted fairly quickly. When I first started I was able to go about 15-20 minutes and I have been able to push myself to 40 minutes in a fairly short amount of time. It feels good and I am actually starting to enjoy it, rather than just wish I was dead for 40 minutes. I do have a post coming about all the other joggers I encounter on my runs and the categories I like to put them in to amuse myself.

I lost two pounds last week and I was very pleased with that because another possible side effect of this birth control from hell is weight gain. Great. No wonder it is 99% effective is because I will be a fat, bitchy, depressed, bleeding, basket case with no libido so actually having sex is really not even an issue.


DAVs said...

I'm sorry about the BCPs. They suck, truly. I hate them. I took them for nearly ten years, and then off and on as part of treatment (yeah, you take BCPs prior to an IVF). Surely they can find one that suits you better.

I can't wait to hear your jogger categories! That's awesome that you can jog for 40 minutes straight!

Hotch Potchery said...

YUCK. So many different kinds of yuck I can't even begin to talk about them. I am so sorry. I am very impressed that you are running through it all. When I was sick last week, not running was the worst part. I know, who am I?

Not Your Aunt B said...

Oh no! I LOVED the NuvaRing except it would give me a headache the first day of my period. And it had the opposite effect on me- very light (we're talking 1-2 days max) periods. I didn't do so hot on the oral BCPs (we won't go there). Why is it that they haven't invented something easier/better? Using condoms now= no fun. I do not like them, but I am not going on the minipill either (still nursing).

YAY on the weight loss! You and your sister are weight losing queens. I, alas, have not lost any though the 2 lb. Easter weight gain is gone. And I talk smack (in my head) about the people I see running so I cannot wait to read your post.

creative kerfuffle said...

i think if men ran the drug companies bcps would be awesome. srsly, there would be little/no side effects and you'd lose weight, be horny, glowing skin, etc. but alas no. your last paragraph cracked me up : ) and how impressive that you've been running through all of that! wow.