Friday, November 13, 2009

bullets for Friday

I've got nothing new to add today but I read someone else's post today which reminded me of some stuff that I know a lot of you like that I just don't get....

For example:
  • Seinfeld. I've mentioned this before. I don't get it. It makes me uncomfortable because they seem to yell at each other a lot. I can't watch it without hiding my face.
  • Twilight or Vampires...How did Vampires become so cool all the sudden? I have never actually read Twilight so really I shouldn't judge but I'm not really into Sci-Fi kind of stuff
  • Down Vests. Aren't your arms cold?
  • Why the Sci-Fi channel felt the need to change their name to SyFy Channel. Lame.

Oh, and I also wanted to give you a Mom to English dictionary in case you ever meet my Mom.

  • Pandera=Panera
  • Liberry=Library
  • Furry=Ferry
  • Burry=Berry
  • Jeepy=her car which is a Jeep but she says "Jeepy" like you should know already
  • Rangy Tang=her cat Meringue...the name Rangy Tang makes my skin crawl

Here are some things she keeps in her house I don't get

  • Zip lock bags full of seashells on every flat surface (she likes the idea of seashells as knick-knack sort of things but she doesn't want them to get dusty)
  • a shrine to her dead dog which includes raw hide bones...which reminds me of pouring out some of your drink for your dead hommies.
  • a coyote skull
  • giant plastic bugs used as home decor
  • old nuts and Cinnamon sticks that she runs through the dishwasher
  • fake flowers pushed into pots

Please feel free to tell me about some stuff that you don't get. Here are some examples of things I like that might help you:

  • The Office
  • The Real Housewives of Wherever
  • pigtails
  • making fun of my mom online
  • eating till I feel sick
  • smoking (not recently)



Anonymous said...

I totally don't get down vests either. I thought it was just me. Thanks :) Also I don't get why people where flip flops when it is cold. It is 50 degrees out and I see people in jeans, long sleeves sweatshirts and flip flops. If it is cold enough to cover your arms, it is cold enough to cover your toes. There, I said it.

Hotch Potchery said...

I am reading/commenting while I wait for 2012!!!!

I know you don't get why we like these movies. Those Housewives are way too ridiculous for me. I also get way uncomfortable at The Office.

Shelley said...

I was joking to my mom that it seems like they issue everyone in Oregon a down vest and a Subaru upon crossing the border! I will admit that they do keep your core warm, but long sleeves are a must. Still, I get that you don't get it because I barely do!

LOVING your mom's idea of the shells in a ziploc bag, and cracking up at her running old nuts and cinnamon sticks through the dishwasher. Say what you will (and I hope you keep writing about her because I love your stories) - she does like to keep things could be worse!

I love The Office.

Anonymous said...

your mom is crazy. im so glad you make fun of her online.
and that SyFy thing pisses me off too.

i dont get:
gay Republicans
pantyhose and sandals
Three and a Half Men. I dont think this show is funny at all and i dont understand how on earth charlie sheen gets paid the billions that he does.
and while we are talking about your mother: fake flowers pushed into pots. or for that matter, fake plants planted outside. Why???!!!

DAVs said...

Along the lines of the SciFi thing, why does National Geographic Channel now call themselves "NatGeo" all one word? To sound cooler? I don't think so.

And see--all that yelling on Seinfeld (and especially on Curb Your Enthusiasm--about the creator of Seinfeld) I would think that would be kind of right up your alley. I mean that in a good way.

Anonymous said...

I don't get Seinfeld either and people look at me like I'm a terrorist when I admit I don't think it's funny. I do love vampires, but the Buffy variety, not this new crap. I've blogged (in agreement) about down vests before - wtf?

I have a deep problem with people who plant fake flowers outside as if they're real. I wonder who they think they're fooling.

I love the Housewives of Wherever, though this last Atlanta season lost me and I quit watching for the first time ever. Although the number of these "rich" women who are losing their houses and/or declaring bankruptcy is laughable.

creative kerfuffle said...

oh, so many things to say. i don't get why my parents just got their house sided and the yard still looks like freaking fredd sanford lives there. it is so damn embarrassing.
i never understood down vests either, or vests in general for that matter.
i do like the vampire books movies, but i kicked it old school first w/ dracula and anne rice's lestat before these sparkly guys and true blood came along. true blood, incidently, is HOT.
i love pigtails too. i made the girl (she's 12) let me put her hair in pigtails friday evening. she said they are for babies. i could only put them in if they were below her ears---apparently that is the deliniation for cool pigtails.
the real housewives or any of those shows--yes to the dress, dallas divas or whatev--i hate them but love them. i am just amazed at how people behave. it's like watching a train wreck.