Friday, November 6, 2009

don't judge me

I went to the grocery store yesterday specifically to get these three things: wine, magazines, and dark chocolate. It has been a stressful few weeks.

I bought these magazines because I am looking for a perfect Thanksgiving side item. Does anyone have any recipes they want to share that are always crowd pleasers?


kilax said...

I love reading magazines like that! We love the typical sides - dressing and mashed potatoes! Hmm, not very creative!

Shelley said...

No judging here. My grandmother said the funniest thing she ever saw at the grocery store was a woman buying a bottle of vodka, a bottle of Midol, and a box of whatever gets you through your day, lol!

A couple of years ago I made a sweet potato recipe from Cooking Light that was really good (and I'm not a sweet potato fan, but the other 3 are) - if you are interested, let me know and I'll look for it tonight when I get home from work.

Hotch Potchery said...

I bought that exact magazine (the one on top) and now I lost it...I hope it is in the truck, there were a few things in there I liked. I am now halfway through a Good Housekeeping.

I haven't had any adult beverages this week in anticipation for tomorrow (I read alcohol blocks carb loading), but tomorrow night? Yes. My stress relievers will be beers and wings---

mmm, I like sweet potatoes!

Anonymous said...

i wont judge you if you dont judge me. i spent all morning driving around to 6 grocery stores, 2 book stores, and a gas station looking for a specific entertainment weekly with alec baldwin on the cover. (i still dont have it by the way but i think i have a source coming through this afternoon.)

my husband makes a delicious oyster stuffing every year. i actually think its Alton Browns oyster stuffing so im sure you could find it easily on the interwebs. im not normally a stuffing lover but i love this.

i want wine. its only 1:40 here though. too early?

DAVs said...

There was a recipe for butternut squash stuffing that I read recently...if that sounds intriguing I'll figure out where the heck I saw it. It looked divine to me, but then again, I have a little thing for butternut.

Not Your Aunt B said...

Sounds like you have the perfect sides already, but might need more wine! What do you like as sides? I always bring something me or my husband likes which is usually green bean casserole (him) or jalapeno shrimp cornbread stuffing (me).

creative kerfuffle said...

i don't know if it will be a crowd pleaser but tonight i'm trying homemade mac and cheese made w/ smoked gouda. i'll let you know. i know the kids won't like it, but the hubs might.