Thursday, July 23, 2009

this is the only way my brain works now

I am a complete nut job. I am FREAKING out that the car dealer might possibly be annoyed with me. I don't know why I do these things, and I think most people would probably just shrug it off. It started because the car dealer wanted us to pick up our car tonight but the bank I got a loan from is still stuck in 1995 and they are SLOW (that is what I get for getting a loan from a bank based out of Daleville, Alabama). The still haven't cut the check so we can't pick up the car.

I have been stressing out and not sleeping because now the car dealer might be mad at me. I'm not sure exactly how this would even affect my life if he was in fact mad at me, but this is my new obsession and it is making me crazy.

I have some other equally boring news for you:

The mayor of my town got arrested (ahh Jersey it is just SO JERSEY).

I am supposed to be having a birthday party for my child who will be three in 2.5 weeks (he won't be three in 2.5 weeks, that is just when the party is supposed to be), and I have done NOTHING. I feel horrible but I don't even know what to do. People are coming to my house for a party the DAY BEFORE I move. I don't know why I thought this was a good idea, but I really wanted to do something for Eli before we moved so my mom and my aunt could come. I'm thinking a cake from Cold Stone and some pizzas will have to do.

My son's real birthday is the weekend after we move into our house and I have NOTHING planned. Our nine year wedding anniversary is the next week and I got nothing. I have been so involved with this moving business I haven't been able to think about anything else. It will be really interesting when my brain can actually focus on something other than moving.

Next week is my sister's 40th birthday. I remember when I was growing up thinking that when my sister is 40 and I'm 33 ( I won't be 33 till October) we are going to be REALLY old. I really don't feel old at all now, but I remember when she turned 30 and I was 22 thinking that we would really be ancient by now and should probably start looking for nursing homes.

Sorry for all the disjointed thoughts, I feel like some sort of frantic yippy dog the way my mind just darts from one thing to another and I can't focus on anything. Again, let's hope this is just a symptom of the move and not how I'm going to be from now on...


Hotch Potchery said...

You are right...who cares if he is annoyed! You can't help it if the bank didn't cut the check, and hey that saves at least $15 right?

As far as Eli's birthday...I kind of wondered if you would change your mind about all that. And for once here, you said once about the water park, and I kind of already told Dad...not like he would remember or anything.

Yeah, I remember thinking 40 was basically retirement and crochet. I am over that now, however when you are 40 and I am 47??? We will talk again.

Not Your Aunt B said...

Screw the car dealer guy- it's wait for the check or not sell a car at all and he works on commission.

Kids love parties. Any kind of party. Cold Stone Creamery cake and pizzas is all you have to do. They'll have a blast. And when you get to AL, you can figure out the rest. I bet HP would babysit and y'all can get a bottle of wine then, ahem, break in the new place.

I have a weird perception of age too. The older I get the harder it is to pinpoint down peoples age other than "college-age-ish", "kids-in-college", "retired", "old", "really old", and "like us".

Swistle said...

OMG I am JUST like this. Usually at around 1:00 in the morning, too---BONUS.

DAVs said...

Penny you always crack me up. I hope you don't mind that your worrying/neuroses (I mean that in a loving way) make me smile. Quite possibly because I am the same way in many ways. I always always worry about someone not liking me, even if I'll never see them again.

I'm sure the 'bots birthday parties will be bueno!