Friday, July 31, 2009

not what I expected

I thought I would be THRILLED to complete my last day of work. THRILLED might not even be a strong enough word...ECSTATIC. I thought I would be ECSTATIC to complete my last day of work, but instead I feel a little nauseous and a lot panicky.

I have no idea why I am surprised, pretty much anything can throw me for a loop, remember the scary dog crate dilemma of 2009?

We have no health insurance for the next two weeks and I just know something terrible is going to happen to us. I'm considering wrapping everyone in bubble wrap. Maybe I should take a exploratory trip to the ER tonight, I'll take my whole family and make stuff up and maybe they can do enough tests and rule enough stuff out to give me piece of mind for two weeks (I'm sure Bea is thrilled with that idea). (although my luck is I'd be diagnosed with a rare disease and then my next insurance would kick me off for having a previous condition or whatever, so OK forget that idea)

Send us safe thoughts!


DAVs said...

Congrats on being done with WORK. That is so completely awesome!
I'm off for a few days myself on a little, ahem, trip...and it is so nice not to be at work.
I like the bubble wrap could blog about your experiences and someone will turn it into a movie.

Shelley said...

I understand your thought sent!!!

Congrats on being DONE with a job you didn't like, but you stuck with for a long time - you did it!

creative kerfuffle said...

whoot whoot for ending 5 years of a job you didn't like : ) let's take a deep, cleansing breath together. ahhhhhhhhhh.
now--i like the bubble wrap idea. but then again, i love me some bubble wrap.

Not Your Aunt B said...

YAY for being done with work! You worked hard and I am sure it was appreciated (even though some co-workers and patients were probably pains in the asses).

I vote for the bubblewrap. But I would get nothing done as I would be popping all of them.

Anonymous said...

Hi Penny, it was some regional punk bands from the 80s, the most well-known being the Mydolls. But I worked at a punk club in my youth so I have seen lots of them. Who were your favorites?

I heard there is an exercise class in New York called Punk Rope (jump rope to punk and rock) and it makes me jealous.