Saturday, May 2, 2009

Things that are currently making me happy.

Ashley and Lee are in town and they brought us these cake balls all the way from Texas (and look at the pretty tin and the cute tissue paper)! They are delicious. I ate 3.5 in about one minute. They are way more dense and moist then I would have thought... I definitely recommend going out and getting one of these right this minute.
I got this Blackberry last weekend. I totally love it. I have never really been into cell phones but it is so pretty and small and PINK and I can check my email and actually send text messages....who knew I would be a cell phone dork.


DAVs said...

I'm glad you liked them! I did just make them Thursday afternoon right before our flight,and they were in tupperware, except on Friday when I schlepped them around. I was so glad to see WT to give them to him!

Hotch Potchery said...

I love that you love your blackberry! I want some cake balls.

creative kerfuffle said...

cake balls and a crackberry! awesome. i'd love the cake balls but so far have not fallen prey to the crackberry addiction. i have a geriatric phone, no email checking or internet viewing on it. and i can barely text on it. eh, i'm old, so what : )
my wordify is uncent---huh.

DAVs said...

Um, Tracy. You cannot let baked goods keep you from considering a move to Austin, or back to Hoboken just in case Lee and I ever get our acts together enough to live our dream life in NYC. Har har. We'd love to have vagrants on our doorstep!
I'm still going to keep trying to get you to come to ACL!
And YES to thirtysomething. Whoever anonymous is that posted that comment on my blog, I lurve them.