Tuesday, May 5, 2009

hypothetically, of course

Hypothetically, if you were planning on quitting your job and then before you turned in your resignation you were offered a buyout package, would you accept?

ETA: I feel the need to clarify. If the hypothetical place you worked was a good place that was free for people to go and learn, and you really like the idea of these kinds of places but they are losing money fast in this economy and the only reason they are offering you a buy out is because they are desperate for more money....then would you take it?

ETA: OK there is more to it still...it wasn't that you were targeted for a buyout but EVERYONE is being asked if they are interested so you would have to sign yourself up...hypothetically of course.


Hotch Potchery said...

Yes!! Hypothetically, of course.

DAVs said...


Hotch Potchery said...

Even with the extra edits, I still say yes. It is a business decision they have made to offer the buyouts, treat taking one as a business decision. It isn't like if Teddy doesn't take it there will be free books for all...but if that is the case, then maybe think about it.

Not Your Aunt B said...

I'm confused. Yes? Is that the right answer?

Anonymous said...

Crap! I just wrote a long response. And it didn't post.

Okay, the job Freddy currently has was a higher paying job with a fancier title before the library "demoted" the title to save money -right before he took it. The person who had the job before Freddy was not at all great, but got paid more. Freddy has been doing an amazing job with the same job description for less pay. On a practical level, he should consider this a long overdue raise.

In addition, those who take a the buyout will be saving others (who really need the job) from getting laid off. So taking the buy-out is a good deed, too.

My post that didn't post had a lot more of my personal sentiments in it, but whatever.

Hopefully, you will get this.


Penny said...

DAMN, now I commented back to you, but on the newer post.

Anyway, I really liked your input, it really helped me see things in a different light!