Monday, December 28, 2009

wrap up

I got this fun tea cup on Christmas Eve. I love the pattern, but I'm not crazy about how it says "tea time" on it. I do not like it when words are on designs.
The last day was a gift certificate to TCBY. I love me some frozen yogurt!

Christmas was great and we had a really good time. The whole week leading up to and including Christmas and the day after was filled with food, fun, and family and it was really perfect. I now have to come back to reality and check my credit card statements (yikes) and I started Weight Watchers in earnest again today because I have gained 6.5 lbs since Thanksgiving (yikes). (I read somewhere that 8 lbs is the typical holiday weight gain)

I am HUNGRY for the first time in WEEKS. I have been shoving food in my face whenever I felt like it since Thanksgiving and right now I'm hungry and cranky about it. I threw out all the candy we had left in the house and now I want to go guzzle the remaining egg nog and search for any stray candy canes...

I hope you had a nice holiday and if you didn't, I hope 2010 brings something better.


Not Your Aunt B said...

Yay! I am so glad you had such a great Christmas! LOVE the cup (but I don't like words on cups either) and LOVE the tent.

Shelley said...

Glad Christmas was so nice for you. And yes, weight was gained, but you won't have any trouble getting it back off once you put your mind to it - and I'd say that by joining WW, you are definitely there!

lastchanceivf said...

I'm so glad you had a really nice holiday! I love that cup. I love retro prints like that!

And did you really just run 10.3 miles?? I'm sore just thinking about it.

Hotch Potchery said...

My earnest recommitment date is next Monday...when I have to go back to work, home all day with leftover Christmas treats is NOT working out for me.

I didn't gain weight since Thanksgiving, I stayed the same, miraculously...but I haven't really lost since last April. YIKES.