Monday, December 7, 2009

coffee buddies

Friday's prize was this Christmas Starbucks Coffee. Have I ever told you about my obsession with Starbucks coffee? Well I love coffee, every morning the first thing I do is stagger from my bed to the coffee pot and pour a cup of coffee, before I shower, before I eat, it is all about the coffee! Well over the years we have tried to support our local coffee shops and honestly I have never liked their coffee as much as Starbucks. When we lived in NJ we literally lived 2 blocks from a Starbucks, I could be from my front door to coffee time in five minutes. Now that we live in the middle of Alabama there is ONE Starbucks in our town and it isn't even a proper Starbucks , it is a smaller one in the student union on campus. Every Sunday we walk 30 minutes to get a cup of Starbucks coffee. We are sad consumerists...
Can you find the coffee in the tree? How about my gigantic cat?
Today's prize was what Teddy called the Christmas buddies. I like them very much but forgot to shove them in the tree and take their picture and is too late now. Sunday's prize was a few candies stolen from Eli's Advent Calendar and shoved into mine, I didn't bother with a picture of those.

Saturday I ran a 10K. It was fun but a REALLY hard route and I finished in 1:01:something, this was better than my previous time of 1:04:something, but I was a little bummed to not get under an hour. Ehh maybe next time.

Oh, I picked out my Holiday cards today and it made me very happy to get cards that only say "Happy Holidays" this makes Teddy's parents NUTS which makes me very happy. Last year I sent similar cards out and one of my friends sent me a facebook message saying she liked our very "PC" card. I consider myself Agnostic so I like neutral cards and I typically say we celebrate Santa Holiday, not the birth of Jesus...ANYWAY I like my cards to be neutral so I can send them to my Christian friends as well as my non Christian friends....BUT I wonder now if it would be more in the SPIRIT to send Christmas cards to my friends I know celebrate a Christian Holiday...or maybe I'm just thinking WAY to much about some damn cards...


DAVs said...

You know, I hinted and hinted to Lee to do an Advent calendar and I got nuttin'. Now, I shouldn't complain--he's pretty damned awesome otherwise :)

We quit sending cards altogether because for years we sent 'update letters' and there just isn't anything worth updating--I don't think people really want to read about our dogs. At any rate, I think Happy Holidays is fine for ALL your friends.

I think your 10K time is awesome! You'd leave me in the dust.

creative kerfuffle said...

i love starbucks too. really. love it. i also make coffee before i do anything else in the morning. i have hinted that i want a starbucks gift card for christmas, or coffee to make at home. i love the smell of it.
love your fat cat and think you are really over thinking the card thing. : )

Shelley said...

I spy the coffee in the tree, and the cat - hard to miss, really. Do we need to have a blog for our overweight pets? My old dog, Jackie, sure could have qualified!

You crack me up, irritating your in-laws with a card. I would NEVER (wink wink) attempt something like that!

Anonymous said...

i like how you refer to it as santa holiday. i may steal that.

i like cards of the neutral variety as well. i never really considered it PC, just all encompassing since there are so many holidays being celebrated this time of year.

(in regards to bugging in laws: when jay and i got married i never changed my last name, mainly because at the time i was working a lot and just never got around to it. then when i did have the time i decided to just keep my name because, you know, i was sorta used to it. but really, i would never change it now because it INFURIATES my mother in law.)

Not Your Aunt B said...

Mmm...Starbucks. So, so good.

Love all the Advent presents and the kitty too!

My rule? You complain about it and you won't get another one next year. Problem solved. That's funny the happy holidays irritates your in-laws. It's an appropriate thing to say and wish. Next time send out some random or different assorted cards that have nothing to do with the holidays at all.

And 1:01 is no joke. Speed racer!

Hotch Potchery said...

I have my cards too, I need to do them. I always do "Happy Holidays" or "Seasons Greetings" and I don't even think I send to anyone who isn't Santa or Jesus and I think Merry Christmas hits both of those.

I wanted to run 8 miles today, but I don't want to try it in this drizzly instead I am sitting on my couch.

kilax said...

We also do Happy Holidays, for the same reasons. Just stick with those! Your Christian friends can deal with it :)

Congrats on the 10k!