Saturday, July 11, 2009

Things I'm not clever enough to write whole blog posts about.

1. Remember this? Now look at it. This is equally exciting and terrifying...OK maybe not equally maybe leaning more toward terrifying but still exciting. OK maybe more like 60% terrifying and 40% exciting ..Mmmmm maybe like 70/30...OK maybe more like 100% terrifying until we move, unpack, I get a job, and we are all settled in. THEN it will be mostly exciting....Like 80/20.

2. This is also terrifying me, looking at these boxes...that I've packed...because we are moving. ACK. I'm not trying to be over dramatic but twice today I've looked at that stack of boxes and felt a wave of nausea so strong I had to sit down...Oh I just LOVE being me sometimes. (Eli LOVES that pink cat carrier... I have never seen him play with anything as much as he plays with that. He carries a stuffed cat around in it and just really amuses himself.) (Oh that reminds me we went to Target yesterday and I told him he could pick out some Band Aids and he picked out the Barbie ones.)
3. At Target yesterday I got ANOTHER bottle of this:
I am now obsessed with having tan legs and I moved on from the light version to the medium. I think I may have a problem and I might need an intervention soon. I had a friend who once told me "tan fat is better than pale fat" and by Jesus she was right. It also has FIRMING. I have no idea if it is actually firming anything, but I like to believe it is.
4. There are (hardly ever) benefits to be married to a dude that writes about children's music, but we got a free copy of Mr. Leebot's new CD and it is awesome. I totally would have even paid for it, which is saying a lot because I never buy CDs.
5. I have still been jogging, at least 4 times a week and usually about 20 miles a week, but I haven't been losing weight. I have been journaling, but not staying with in my Weight Watchers POINTS ( I have no idea why that is all caps but on the WW site it is always written like that ) This has been the first week, in weeks and weeks, I stayed with in my POINTS and I'm hoping to finally have a loss.
6. TLC is killing me. I mean it. I can't stand to see another ad for I didn't know I was pregnant, because it makes me want to punch someone in their chocha. I have been pregnant, and I don't buy it. And I know, I know that your sister's, cousin's, friend had a baby in the toilet because FOR REALS she didn't know she was pregnant and I'm calling BULLSHIT. Anyway, now there is 650 lb Virgin, and I just can't bear it.

I think that is all I got for now...although I could write more about my love for House Hunters and any documentary about someone getting murdered, but I'll save those topics for later.


Hotch Potchery said...

YIKES...that chain does not look very long at all. That is why I had a small panic attack yesterday when I was texting you, looking around, and looking at rental houses. I don't think I have the mental wherewithall to move this.exact.minute.

mmm, did you happen to catch any of that messiest house in america show? it made me very anxious, so I threw some stuff away.

Move in day all the way around is in one month. wow.

DAVs said...

I love that paper chain!
Thanks for the shout out to Mr. Leebot. I'm glad you like the CD. You know that's me on there, doing those sad little backing vocals. And today he had me come UP ON STAGE in front of a packed audience to do the hand motions to "Protect Your Nog." Geez. I have horrid stage fright.

You crack me up with your description of that whole I didn't know I was pregnant show...Lee and I have watched some of it purely for the bullshit entertainment value. And so we can sing the little song we made up about other people getting pregnant that shouldn't...because we're really snooty and judgmental like that. We like to sing together, clearly.

OK--deep breaths about the move. It's going to be awesome. Your sister will be RIGHT THERE, which will be so cool.

PS I love those murder documentary shows too. Lee hates them. Sigh.

creative kerfuffle said...

i love the chain! take lots of deep breaths--this move is going to be great and you'll be near your sis and life will move on and you'll flourish! it's going to be great i tell you!
and that pregnancy show? holy crap. i can see not knowing for awhile if it was your first (yes, totally justifying how i got to be 4 months w/ the girl before finding out i was pregnant) but i can't see going all the way to labor and not knowing. i also love house hunters and though i love our house it makes me want a new one. well, not new, but new to us. i knew my kitchen was bad, but after watching those shows my kitchen could be the one they always say needs updating.