Wednesday, July 29, 2009

two more days

Remember this? Well, then it looked like this.....well now it looks like this:

Oh how in the hell did that happen? I can.not.believe. I only have two more days of work left, that just seems so, so....Unbelievable (see what an artist I am with words).

I did get a call today and got an interview for a job in Alabama, but here's the thing, I kinda don't want that job. I could totally do it, and I'd probably be decent at it, but it isn't where I want to work. I'm afraid that things are so tough now that I'm going to take the first thing that is offered to me because I'll be afraid of nothing else coming around, and that is exactly what I did with the job I have now that I have hated for five years...

It is hard to complain about my work at this point because tomorrow I am going to the third party in my honor...that is really just so awesome, I can't even say. To realize people like you and respect you has meant so much to me, it is really changing my memories of how much I disliked my job and changing them into memories of some nice people I met along the way.

I'm curious if anyone has ever turned down a job and waited for something better, I never have because I'm always convinced I'll starve and die before a better one comes along, but what about you?


Hotch Potchery said...

Wow, two more days of work. C-R-A-Z-Y.

Where is the job? No, I have never passed up a job in lieu of waiting for a better one...also scared of starving.

Maybe you could consider the job and then leave it should something better come along...with no guilt over leaving a pretty new job.

creative kerfuffle said...

i think it is awesome that you've already been offered a job before even moving! they always say it's easier to find a job when you have a job and i'm beginning to believe that. i'd say if the money is good take it and keep looking for the job you REALLY want.

Shelley said...

Wow, that chain got small fast!!! What an exciting and scary time for you - I can't imagine everything you must be feeling!

I've never turned down a job. But I HAVE quit a couple within a short time span when a much better one came up. Hey, you have to look out for number one, right?!?

DAVs said...

Love that shrinking paper chain!

My advice on the job is this: if you can take it and then quit again if something better comes along, you could go that route. But I suspect that you--like me--would take it, not really like it, and then feel strangely loyal to them and stay at it regardless of how happy you are. If that's the case, then Something else will come along. Trust your gut!

Chrissy said...

I have never not taken a job either. I too am afraid of starving. I'd say take it, and wait for something better to come along.

Penny said...

You got it EXACTLY. The same thing actually happened with this job that after two months I was offered an interview at a different place and I turned it down because I felt GUILTY.

Not Your Aunt B said...

Is there any way you can take it on a temp basis? I know that doesn't happen in a lot of fields, but sometimes in healthcare or tech, you can negotiate to take it for 3 months and then re-eval. It gives them the heads up and gives you an out. If the dream job comes along, you can say that you are in contract to work until x date. I don't know if they'd go for it, but if they're needing someone, they might. I have turned down jobs if it isn't the right fit. A lesson learned the hard way because I will totally be guilted into doing stuff once I start someplace.