Tuesday, August 18, 2009

chest of drawers

We are moved into our new house and doing well, BUT I can not get my router to work so my computer has to stay plugged into the modem which happens to be on top of my dresser...I mean chest of drawers, in my bedroom...It is a very inconvenient place to use the computer, you have to stand in the doorway to the bathroom...OH my life is so hard and then I had to walk in the HEAT to eat dinner.

I want to tell you about how I'm an idiot and didn't turn on the water OR the gas to our new house, and about how my BABY turned three years old over the weekend, and how I saw pictures of myself in a bathing suit and I didn't know it was ME, because I still picture myself as a fat girl, but those things will all have to wait till I can sit down and tell you my stories....


Hotch Potchery said...

I saw Teddy taking pictures of you in the pool with Eli and I was thinking to myself---will she post these, and when I saw that you had I was really proud of and happy for you that you realized how good you looked!

Buy a new router!!!

Or is Calvin stopping by Sunday???

Shelley said...

Can't wait for the stories...and the pictures!

DAVs said...

That's a funny image--standing up at the chest of drawers to do your internetting...

Happy Birthday Eli to a fellow Virgo!

Can't wait for the pics--I'm sure you rocked your suit!

Not Your Aunt B said...

Happy Birthday to your baby Eli! And I hear you on the router issue (what is that exactly and why is it so problematic?) that is no fun. Whoo hoo on rocking the swim suit!

creative kerfuffle said...

are there swimsuit pics??? i wanna see!
and happy bday to your boy! what a cutie he is. i bet he had a blast. and, i'm glad you can now sit down to surf : )