Friday, February 13, 2009

114 and other crap

114 more days of working at this job that sucks a big fat one until I get to quit. That is not counting a few days I already plan on taking off, or weekends...Can I tell you what happened today? One of the doctors at my job fucked up and then tried to figure out a way to blame it on me WHEN I WASN'T EVEN IN THE OFFICE WHEN THE INCIDENT HAPPENED. Oh it is fun times here people.

Can I tell you something else? Not one time since we found out we are for sure moving have I felt melancholy whats so ever about leaving. OK I take that back, I felt a twinge of sadness over not getting to visit with my aunt who lives on the shore, but really that is it. I know I will miss NYC and my town that I live in, but I am so happy for Teddy, and so looking forward to hanging out with friends and family I haven't even had time to get depressed about leaving yet.

Not being sad about leaving does not have anything to do with being anxious though, I will get into a good freaking the fuck out in a couple of months. I will be completely losing my mind over having enough money and finding a job...I guarantee it... but nope not now, now I am in a completely not me zen state of happy and content.

In other non related stuff, what is the deal with people that HATE Valentine's Day? I'm not even talking about single people, I'm talking about people that are part of couples...I don't get it.


Hotch Potchery said...

I am glad to know that 48 hours in, you are still happy with the decision!

I figure I am about 1 month from a freak out when I have to put my preliminary packet together...we can call each other and be anxious together...those are the times when WW sucks the most...for me anyhow.

DAVs said...

I'm glad you're feeling so zen and content! I think the move will be super cool. I promise NYC will still be there when you're ready to go back, and (I know this is THE MOST important part) maybe we'll be there, too by then :)

creative kerfuffle said...

what a great zen feeling, counting down the day until the job ends. i love that. i know you're so ready to be done w/ that.