Thursday, February 19, 2009


We are right this moment watching Spectacular!, there is not a 12 year old girl in sight (unless you count Teddy who has already seen this once even thought he claims it is for "work"). Later we are going to brush each other's hair, hold hands, and maybe tell scary stories.

We have had a nice visit so far, except for when I took my sister to pick up Eli from school and he was in a full blown tantrum. He later said the only reason he had a tantrum is because I tried to make him say "hi" to his aunt and he didn't want to. I know, I know I'm a horrible mother.

We are trying to come up with what to do tomorrow. If we are lucky maybe there will be a Jonas Brother's special on and we can be two creepy women in their 30's watching stuff geared towards teenagers BY OURSELVES (again).


Hotch Potchery said...

I don't know what your problem is..that movie was awesome.

DAVs said...

I have not heard of this, will have to check it out.
That is hilarious about Steamboat--well, to me, it probably wasn't hilarious to you at the time--especially the fact that he was able to articulate *why* he had a tantrum.
Have fun!

creative kerfuffle said...

the jonas bros? really? omg.:::snickering at you two:::: from this day forward i will never feel silly about my thing for drake bell (from drake & josh), but i will make fun of you for liking the jbros. LOL

Not Your Aunt B said...

I'm so now getting into the Jonas Brothers after buying an ipod from a teenage girl that had all their songs on it. It gets me through my runs, which would have never ever believed in a million years. And yay for having fun with your sister!