Sunday, February 8, 2009

What the hell happened?

Yikes! When I woke up this morning I looked at my comments from last night's blog. Someone posting as Anoynmous knew WAY too much about me and it REALLY creeped me out. The best I can figure is this is someone who works at the same hospital I do but in a different department. This person stumbled across my blog (lucky me) and then did some research to find out who I was through my job. I think this person then emailed my website to someone else who then left me a super crazy hateful comment.

In some ways I am really sad to leave my old home. I liked it there and I liked the blog friends I met through there. On the other hand it is nice to have a fresh start with no links to who I am, or where I live. Even though I used my son's nickname on my last blog, everyone knows we call him that and it would be very easy to link my first name with my son's original nickname. So here we are in pseudonym land.

Penny is a nickname a few people called me in college. Eli is a version of my son's middle name. and Teddy....oh Teddy. My husband, is really a super nerd. He was a mathelete (HOTT) and he also had a strange obsession with Theodore Roosevelt (he was a Rough Rider!) and in fourth grade he insisted his teacher call him Teddy, as you may know this is no where close to his real first name.

Anyway, here I am and I'm going to try and not be too sad about losing my old blog home due to some real asshats, BUT dude I was almost at my 200 post and was going to have a 200 post spectacular and now you are going to have to wait.


DAVs said...

ARGH, I had written a really long comment and then stupid blogger lost it. Here goes:

I'm the first one to leave a comment on your new blog! yippee.
That is funny about Teddy. Lee always liked the name Steve (he thinks it's a cool name) and thus wanted to be called Steve instead of Lee. He got our nephews to call him Uncle Steve but it didn't stick, now they just say "UncLee" really fast all jammed together. At any rate, that is really creepy about your other blog and coworker. You said it best:ASSHAT.
And Matheletes may be hot, but Model United Nations delegates are smokin' hot. :)

Hotch Potchery said...

I laughed out LOUD at Teddy. I like the baby's name too, but that is the name I will be using if I ever get a horse, just so you know.

Is it okay if I just call you Pickles?

Anonymous said...

That truly is gross, and I'm awfully sorry.

Just make sure this new blog is not "locateable" (is that a word?) by your true, full name in any possible way. I tried googling you earlier, and nothing came up, but I wasn't sure about your last name/spelling... Google yourself (both with quotes and without) just to make sure this blog doesn't come up. In addition, don't link to this blog from anything else that has your or W's or S's name on it. If they know your blog, then they know W's, etc. And the other way 'round.

I'd also avoid doing any posting at work. If anyone else has access to your computer (even if they sneak into your office while you are out), they can easily find your history and go straight to your blog. The search bar saves stuff like that for ages and ages.

I hate to be paranoid, but that's the reality of it. Some people are mean and bitter. Clearly, they are jealous of you.

Anyway, thanks so much for sending me the new URL. I will bookmark it and continue to enjoy your wonderful, humorous, honest and insightful posts!


Not Your Aunt B said...

Well, poop. Poop on asshats. But it's nice to be with you from the beginning, Penny. I like that name. I think it was in kids' lit that I liked as a kid.

creative kerfuffle said...

crappity crap crap. i'm so sorry you had to leave your old home. how horrible. but i like being w/ you from the beginning on this one : ) i love the nick names too : )
what you went through is precisely why i don't use the kids names/my name/pics etc. i should be smarter at posting at work, although getting into anything is password protected on my work computer and the only one who could get into it is our IT guy and we're friends and he already knows about my blog, so no worries there. however, i do think i'll delete my history when i get back to the office. i like pickles better than penny though : ) he he hehe