Sunday, February 15, 2009

30 months

I asked Eli how the last 30 months have treated him, this is what he said:
I know I've said it a million times, but I never thought we (I) would make it this far. This part is definitely better than the itty bitty baby part, it is still hard, but I don't feel like I'm slowly going insane and my brains are going to start leaking out of my ears.

Days when I'm having a rough time I think of a night when Eli was probably four weeks old and I was laying on my bed on my stomach with my arm in his bassinet shushing him and rocking his mattress so he would stay asleep. I remember laying there and thinking that I had never in my life been so miserable, or could have even imagined being so miserable. I remember thinking that if I just died right then at least I'd get some rest. We are a long way from that night today.

At 3o months Eli has more personality than I thought would be possible for a toddler. He LOVES to talk and he keeps a running narrative of EVERYTHING he does. He does not like to play alone, he wants his father or I to be playing with him, or paying attention to him, at all times. He loves to makes us laugh, and he has a great sense of humor. He is really into imaginary books he gets from his feet, skateboarding, guitars, drums, and reading books.

I can't wait to see what the next 30 months have in store for us. I really believe we lucked out with this kid, he is more than we ever deserved and we work really hard to be enough for him.


DAVs said...

Believe me, you guys are more than enough for him! While you are lucky to have him, it goes both ways. He is lucky beyond words to have both of you for parents.

Hotch Potchery said...

I can't believe he is 2 and a half already...seems like yesterday that I was visiting when he was 3 weeks old and I thought I was hanging out with one of the grumpiest old man ever!

It seems like when he figured out how to smile his life fell into place, and with did yours!

I will be there to take up some playing time soon!

Hotch Potchery said...

You know I had "men" and I thought...he was one baby, that is stupid to pluralize. I should have re read the whole sentence.

creative kerfuffle said...

what a smile : ) what a joy : ) what fun you have in store for the next 30 months.

Anonymous said...

Wow... He's getting really cute!

Congratulations to you guys on your upcoming move! Please pass on my happy wishes!!! I won't send him an email until I know for sure that he's announced his plans to the powers-that-be. Not sure how private staff email is...

Rebecca S.

Not Your Aunt B said...

He could be Miss A's twin, minus the skateboarding. She doesn't really do that yet. Ah, kids.