Monday, June 7, 2010


It may be the ONLY time it happens this year.


lastchanceivf said...

First off, that is an adorable picture! Definitely worth a thousand words :)

And secondly, I'm just sick sick sick over this oil FIASCO. It's utterly mind boggling and honestly, I get so upset thinking about it and the destruction that has already occurred and will continue to occur that I just want to bury my head in the sand and not watch. Ugh ugh ugh. Stupid BP.

Anonymous said...

great picture and im glad you got to do something on your list.

oh and i second lastchance's BP sentiment.

creative kerfuffle said...

i LURV that pic of him! OMG too damn cute. and i love the cryptic way you posted it. LOL

Not Your Aunt B said...

Love it! He is handsome. Really. I would let him get away with anything with that smile.

And the oil is probably going to ruin our annual beach vacay too. Along with the coast, marine wildlife, the gulf, the local beach communities, fishermen's income, etc. I can't even explain my frustration and anger with it all. I wish BP would go bankrupt, but then I feel bad for the families who work for BP and have nothing to do with the spill who need the income. UGH!