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I forgot to tell you guys about how Teddy TOTALLY stole my thunder at MY reunion. We got to the reunion and there was two girls I went to high school with (Teddy did not go to high school anywhere near where I did) greeting everyone and handing out name tags at the door. They greeted me and I turned to introduce them to Teddy and they were like "OH MY GOD WE KNOW, IT IS [BAND NAME] AND [OTHER BAND NAME]" Then they proceeded to GUSH and hug him and talk about how he was FAMOUS. UGH. I love my husband more than anyone in the world but DUDE. DUDE. I was there looking HOT and he totally stole my stoplight. (oh and for the record he was only famous in the college town we lived, but there he was totally awesome. Free beer all the time...when you are 22 and broke that was the best)The college town we live in has a shuttle bus that goes around and picks students up for class. The other day Teddy and I were out for a walk and we were walking past the bus stop and it totally stopped for US. I was very excited and felt young and pretty. This just creeps me out. 
That is a bird, in case you couldn't tell and he is eating EGGS for breakfast. That just seems wrong to me.
that bird is way creepy. but i also hate BBQ restaurants that have a pig or a cow as the mascot. hes usually wearing an apron and holding a spatula, you know like he just came from cooking up another pig or cow... SO WRONG!
I agree with Tammie. Very creepy.
You crack me up, noticing the bird eating the eggs!
And girl? You ARE young and pretty!
You and Lee are very similar--he is always noticing things like that bird eating eggs and I would just probably not even catch it.
And I'm sorry Teddy stole your thunder! It's tough to be married to a celebrity--I mean, we can't even go to the grocery store now without some two year old wanting to say hi to Mr. Leebot.
Totally kidding.
He stole your stoplight? ha ha, that is BAD.
Welcome to my life. Mr. P is the life of EVERY party and everyone always likes him best.
Ha! I never noticed that. Now I think I'll just leave it.
that's like that cell phone commercial w/ the pigs eating ham. soooooo wrong.
and, while i think it's cool that teddy was recognized, i get what you mean about him stealing your thunder. but, you had a good time right? and you looked hot right? and the school bus stopped for your young ass LOL
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