I graduated from high school 15 years ago (yikes!), this weekend is our first reunion. When I graduated I was a sad, chubby girl (size 10) whose boyfriend of 2 years just inexplicably broke up with her. I had no plans to go to college and I was really confused about what I was going to do.
Now I'm a sad 32 year-old with an amazing husband and the world's cutest kid. I have no job so I'm embarrassed about that, but I plan on dazzling them with my new body and my super cute shoes, but I'm afraid they may be a bit too stripper, but maybe I don't care.

I took the shoes outside to take their picture because I wanted you to see that they are a deep purple color, not black.

This dress
definitely looks much cuter than this on, it reminds me a little of
MadMen so I think it is sexy.

This was almost my favorite part of the dress. I originally tried on a size 8, but it was too big. HOLY SHIT. I came out of the dressing room and loudly said "this is too big, Teddy will you please go get me a size 6." I was so excited. The dressing room attendant and her boyfriend seemed unimpressed.
I really wanted to get a dress from Anthropologie, but I just felt too guilty about the money, so I ended up getting this dress from Target and the shoes from Kohls. I am happy with them, and I think they are going to look pretty good, although the shoes may be a bit too much...
Very nice! Wow, a size 6...that is great!
love the dress and the shoes! i think the dress is classy and tasteful so you can afford to skank it up a bit with the shoes without looking like a stripper. ;)
i never went to my high school reunion because like you, i didnt/still dont have a job other than the kids and i was sorta embarrassed about that. I am a size 6 though so let me know if that's enough to make it worth going to my next reunion.
I totally think being a size 6 is a good enough reason to go to your reunion, but I'll let you know.
I think if my kid was atleast home with me and I could call myself a stay at home mom that would be different, but he is in preschool and I just stay home, and not on purpose. sigh.
Love the shoes, love the dress. I totally appreciate you calling for a size 6 loudly - I would have done the same thing!
You'll look great, and remember, everyone will want to talk about themselves, so you can direct the convo back toward them when the whole work thing comes up. Go and have a great time!
If those shoes are stripper then I see patients every day while dressed in stripper shoes. I LOVE high heels and I routinely wear four inch heels. Anyway...I think you should NOT worry about the work thing--you just moved for goodness sake! I love that dress. Must.go.search.that.dress.at.local
Target! And copy you!
Can't wait to hear how fun the reunion is!
that is a cute outfit, i don't think the shoes look slutty at all. now, if they were clear and lucite then you'd have a problem. i think size 6 is more than enough reason to go to the reunion, screw them if it's not.
Whatever. You are going to look HAWT in that dress & shoes. I love the shoes. They're just heels..not like they have a big ole platform too and come with a bright peekabo bikini and pole. I think they're awesome & love the dress. Why doesn't my Target have cute stuff like that?
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