Wednesday, September 23, 2009

SPOILER ALERT: I didn't die

Oh my GAWD Y'all, I thought I was going to die Saturday night. I can just now talk about it without feeling all queasy and anxious. I'm about to go into TMI so if you don't like body fluids go ahead and check out now. I would suggest some pictures of kittens.

Anyway, my stomach had been a little off for a couple of days and really I didn't think much of it, sometimes that happens to me before I get my period. I honestly hadn't been making the best food choices and I was over indulging so I figured that had something to do with it also. Saturday we had a great day and hung out with my sister and Mr. P and then went to my holy land (Target) and then got to see and hang out with some old friends. It really was a great day and Teddy volunteered to go get us some greasy southern food that he loves, and I was in such a good mood I agreed.

I ate some grilled chicken...but then I had fried green tomatoes, fried okra, a piece of cornbread and Eli's left over macaroni and cheese. It was so delicious. Oh man, and then around 10:30 that night the dying started. I had stomach cramps so bad they honestly felt worse then when I was in labor. They would start, hit an awful peak and then start to subside, I could feel the pain from my head to my toes...I was starting to Lamaze breath and when I could get off the toilet I walked the halls just like I did when I was in labor. It went on ALL.NIGHT. Never in my life have I had something like that, I can not type big enough how PAINFUL it was. It finally subsided around 7:30 Sunday morning, but now I'm afraid to eat and have been sticking to pretty bland stuff for the last few days.

I have now consulted with Dr. Google and diagnosed myself with IBS. I think I need to start a foundation or maybe have a fund raiser for myself. It is almost as good as having Restless Leg Syndrome. The really crappy thing is I get so anxious about any sort of stomach issue I automatically make it 10 times worse by freaking out. Sometimes it is super fun to be me.


Hotch Potchery said...

Remember how last Sunday I had cramps so bad my legs hurt? I also had the body fluids and I attributed it to the cramps...I wonder if I passed you some sort of bizarre bug? sorry.

We hung out with Mr. P's bestie from college on Saturday!

Ashley said...

Yuck that does not sound fun or pleasant. But really, your warning was unnecessary--that was nothing in terms of descriptors :)

Blogger is being funky so I'm under this account.

Are you sure your gallbladder isn't involved since the pain happened after a high fat meal? Of course, what do I know besides lipids? Not gallbladders, that's for sure.

Anonymous said...

im glad you're feeling better.

this is so weird, but i had something similar happen to me about 2 months ago. i was fine one moment and then noticed my tummy started feeling a little gross. within a half hour i was doubled over in pain and my husband was threatening to take me to the er.(a trip to the er, or any doctor, is not something we take lightly around here. no one goes unless they are bleeding from their ears or have a temp of 108 or something.)but the pain was UNREAL. not just nausea but sharp cramps like my insides were being sliced to pieces. i laid in bed moaning and taking deep breaths, just like when i was in labor. (as you said.) the pain lasted all night but was mostly gone by the next morning.

it hasnt happened again, but it was freaky and kinda scary at the time. ive had my share of stomach bugs but i had never experienced anything like this.

Shelley said...

I'm glad you didn't die...I know that feeling of misery, though, and am sorry you had to go through it!