Tuesday, May 26, 2009

what I did on my vacation

We checked out the campus where Teddy will be going to school.
We creeped out the people currently living in our rental house. It needs some love and some lawn maintanence.
We pretended like we were filming the opening credits of Little House on the Prairie.

We went to a lake on a motherfucking boat.

We took some time to smell the flowers.

And we played some rock band.


Not Your Aunt B said...

So fun! Looks like you had an awesome weekend. LOVE the photo of the baby playing rock band. Drums are Miss A's favorite- she would dig him. You are cracking me up with these music videos BTW.

Hotch Potchery said...

Mr. P LOVED that you linked to "I'm on a boat".

DAVs said...

So cute! I'm glad you had such a good time. Just think, in no time at all you'll live there!
I love the drums--Steamboat is probably a better drummer than me!

creative kerfuffle said...

steamboat is freakin' adorable! and all that rental needs is a nice mowing : ) i'm so excited for you!! did i already say steamboat is cute? i love his hair. and that look on his face playing the drums. i bet you all had a blast. well, most of the time : )

Shelley said...

Great pics and I love your little rock star!