Friday, March 20, 2009

Captain Scrunch

My knitting has so far yielded a couple of blankets for Eli's Little People. I'm not sure what kind of demand there is for that kind of thing, but Sea Captains get cold too.
(Eli does not like for me to put my blankets on his Little People and I had to take this picture while he was in his room. So far the demand for tiny blankets is -1)


Anonymous said...

would you knit me a guitar case?

ted e.

creative kerfuffle said...

cute : ) you could knit me a potholder : )

DAVs said...

You know what else there is a demand for--tiny dog sweaters. And I have TWO small dogs. So knit away! :)

Hotch Potchery said...

I think that is a very cute tiny sea captain blanket. What about a skateboard cozy, does Eli like those?